RakutenAdvertising Attribution Android SDK

Version 1.0.1

Rakuten advertising attribution SDK allows advertisers to track app installs and in-app conversion events using any affiliate link promoted within a publisher’s mobile app or on a mobile web page.

Getting Started with the RakutenAdvertising Attribution SDK

The RakutenAdvertising Attribution SDK enables you to track your app activity, including installs and purchase events. The SDK integrates with deep linking and provides support for event-to-click attribution.

Important: We recommend reading through the entire SDK documentation before beginning your SDK integration to make sure everything is clear. Your Rakuten technical contact is happy to answer any questions you may have. Engineering support is also available to you as needed.

Requires Android API level 21+

SDK Checklist

- Create public/private key pairs
- Add RakutenAdvertisingAttribution SDK to project
- Setup RakutenAdvertisingAttribution SDK initialization

Create public/private key pairs

Our SDK internally uses a private key to sign a JSON Web Token(JWT). This token is passed to our Attribution backend system to verify the SDK's identity.

Generate public/private key pairs with the following commands

openssl genrsa -out rad_rsa_private.pem 4096
openssl rsa -in rad_rsa_private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out rad_rsa_public.pem

These commands will create the following two files.

  1. rad_rsa_private.pem: Store this private key securely.
  2. rad_rsa_public.pem: This file is required by Rakuten Attribution backend platform to verify the signature of the authentication JWT. (Public key handover process will be communicated separately)

Then you need to save your private key somewhere in your application. It's convenient to put in text file in assets folder and retrieve like this

val secretKey = applicationContext.assets
       .open("private_key")//"private_key" is file name
       .use { it.readText() }

Add RakutenAdvertisingAttribution SDK to project

To use RakutenAdvertisingAttribution SDK you need to add this string to 'dependencies' section in build.gradle file of your application module.

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.rakutenadvertising:attribution:1.0.1'

and also you need to add mavenCentral to repositories list on you root build.gradle file

allprojects {
    repositories {

Now you can sync your project and start working with RakutenAdvertisingAttribution SDK }

Setup RakutenAdvertisingAttribution SDK initialization

To start working with RakutenAdvertisingAttribution SDK you need to create an instance of [Configuration][com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.Configuration] class. It's constructor takes three parameters:

  • appId (unique android application id. You can get it from any Context class instance of your application)
  • appVersion (your application version name, '1.0' for example)
  • privateKey (content of your rad_rsa_private.pem file, with both header and footer removed)
  • endpointUrl (url which sdk will send analytics to)
 const val ENDPOINT_URL = "https://api.rakutenadvertising.io/v2/"
 //const val ENDPOINT_URL_STAGING = "https://api.staging.rakutenadvertising.io/v2/"

 val configuration = Configuration(
                appId = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID,
                appVersion = BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME,
                privateKey = secretKey,
                endpointUrl = ENDPOINT_URL

Then you need to initiate [RakutenAdvertisingAttribution][com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.RakutenAdvertisingAttribution] object with you application's context class and created Configuration instance

RakutenAdvertisingAttribution.setup(context, configuration)

Send events with metadata

Radattribution SDK provides a way to send events.

To send event to server you have to call sendEvent() method of EventSender sdk class. The only required parameter of this method is 'name'

RakutenAdvertisingAttribution.sendEvent(name = "PURCHASE")

Optionally you can pass an instance of [EventData][com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.EventData] class, with event's metadata.

val eventData = EventData(
             transactionId = "112233",
             searchQuery = "shoe products",
             currency = "USD",
             revenue = selectedProduct?.price,
             shipping = 0.0,
             tax = 0.8,
             coupon = "coupon_test_code",
             affiliation = "affiliation code",
             description = "description"

and/or array of ContentItem instances. [ContentItem][com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.ContentItem] class contains info related to purchase items, like price, tax, etc.

val contentItems = arrayOf(
                        sku = "77889900",
                        productName = selectedProduct!!.name,
                        quantity = 12,
                        price = selectedProduct.price

Also you can pass data with [CustomData][com.rakuten.attribution.sdk.CustomData] class, which is just alias for Map<String, String>

val customData = mapOf(
                "custom_key1" to "value1",
                "custom_key2" to "value2"

Optionally you can pass lambda to be called on operation result.

So your sendEvent() call might look like this

                name = action,
                customData = customData,
                eventData = eventData,
                contentItems = contentItems
        ) { result ->
            when (result) {
                is Result.Success -> {
                is Result.Error -> {

Resolve application's deep links

Another feature of Radattribution SDK is to handle application's deep links and handle it's metadata. Firstly you need to add an <intent-filter> section to you AndroidManifest.xml file. To let operation system know that your application is able open http ans https links in rakutenadvertising.app.link domain

 <intent-filter android:label="@string/app_name">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
                <data android:host="rakutenadvertising.app.link"
                    android:scheme="http" />
                <data android:host="rakutenadvertising.app.link"
                    android:scheme="https" />

Now links like "https://rakutenadvertising.app.link/..." and "http://rakutenadvertising.app.link/..." will be prompted to open with your application.

Also you can specify custom app scheme instead of "http" and "https". For example it's "demo_app" for our demo application. You can put your application scheme to your gradle.build in buildTypes section like this

 buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
        buildTypes.each {
            it.buildConfigField 'String', 'APP_SCHEME', "\"demo_app\""
            it.resValue 'string', 'APP_SCHEME', "\"demo_app\""

Then you can add another <intent-filter> to your AndroidManifest.xml file

 <intent-filter android:label="@string/app_name">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
                <data android:host="open"
                    android:scheme="@string/APP_SCHEME" />

Now links like "demo_app://open?link_click_id=..." will be opened with your application automatically.

Then you have to add handleIntent() method to your MainActivity class. As you can see it checks if applications is started with one of known schemes: "http", "https" or your custom scheme.

private fun handleIntent(intent: Intent) {
        if (intent.action == Intent.ACTION_VIEW) {
            when (intent.scheme) {
                "http", "https", BuildConfig.APP_SCHEME -> resolveLink(intent.data.toString())
                null -> showError(intent.scheme)

If it so we can resolve deep link with resolveLink() method. There is only one required parameter - link to resolve. And optional lambda callback.

private fun resolveLink(link: String) {
        RakutenAdvertisingAttribution.resolve(link) {
            when (it) {
                is Result.Success -> {
                is Result.Error -> {

Demo app

We provide a sample app that demonstrate the use of the Rakuten Advertising attribution SDK. You can find the open source application at this Git Repository
